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Peace Love Sunflower shirt

Peace Love Sunflower shirt - Limited edition

Peace Love Sunflower

Sunflowers first appeared in the Americas around 1000 BC and then spread throughout the world. Not only is the flower cherished for providing a valuable food source of seeds and oils, but even in that ancient time, sunflowers have been revered by the indigenous people for its splendid, powerful beauty. . There are some areas that also choose sunflowers as flowers typical of their religion. Many artists in the past also worshiped the beauty of sunflowers, and by the time of impressionist school, the sun was even more powerful. With the characteristic of optical direction - always towards the sun - sunflowers symbolize loyalty and consistency. With love, it is a symbol of loyalty, iron son. And, the shape of the bright yellow petals like the sun, makes the viewer feel energetic - a sign of sincere concern, warmth and joy and happiness. Besides, sunflowers also mean the admiration, worship and lasting sustainability. Therefore, sunflowers are suitable for expressing long-term love, as well as for celebrations and celebrations to send a message of joy and excitement.

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