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Darth Vader The Throne Is Mine shirt, hoodie, sweatshirt

Darth Vader The Throne Is Mine shirt, hoodie, sweatshirt - Limited edition, not sold in any store

After Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was successful, Lucas hired science fiction author Leigh Brackett to write Star Wars II (later changed to Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back). They held a conference and in late November 1977, Lucas produced a handwritten correction called The Empire Strikes Back. The adaptation is very similar to the last movie, except that Darth Vader did not reveal he was Luke's father. In the first draft Brackett will write, Luke's father appears as a ghost to guide Luke. George Lucas was disappointed with the script, but Brackett died of cancer before he could discuss it with her. With no writers available, Lucas had to write his own next draft. In this draft, he used a new plot change: Darth Vader claims to be the father of Luke. According to Lucas, he found this draft to be very interesting to write, as opposed to the perennial struggles written for the first film.

Darth Vader The Throne Is Mine

This new story indicates that Darth Vader is Luke's father who had a drastic effect on the film. Michael Kaminski argues in his book that it is not only a serious plot point considered or even conceived before 1978 and is the first film to clearly be operating under an alternative plot where Vader is a separate character from Luke's father; there is no single reference to this point of the plot before 1978. After the second and third draft of Empire Strikes Back with this new point were introduced, Lucas considered the new plot he had. created: Anakin Skywalker was originally Padi of Obi-Wan Kenobi and had a child named Luke, but was influenced by the dark side of Emperor Palpatine (who became Sith - Darth Sidious - and didn't simply a politician). Anakin fought Kenobi on a volcano and was badly injured, but was later revived as Darth Vader. Meanwhile, Kenobi hid Luke on Tatooine while Darth Sidious became the tyrannical Emperor and Vader systematically hunted and killed the Jedi (Decree 66). This character change thus provides a springboard to the "Tragedy of Darth Vader" background plot of the previous installment.

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