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Meanwhile, humility will only show us our shortcomings to correct, not show arrogance and complacency, so always calmly listen to the opinions of everyone around. Modesty helps people not to be arrogant and arrogant when standing on the peak of power and fame. As a result, they do many useful things and are supported by many people.
Many young people today often think: “I have a degree, ability, and youth. I have to find a job that is worthy of my level but I cannot accept to do odd jobs, the salary is "three piles three". With that in mind, many students are still unemployed after many years of graduation.
We need to remember that a degree does not mean having a capacity, a level does not mean having a culture, a glorious past is just history and memories to remember. So how yesterday is not important, what matters today is, how tomorrow will be.
Today, your seemingly ordinary efforts are cumulative for the future. Every experience, once unhappy, rejected is laying the groundwork for your future success. Do not be arrogant, conceited, and then run old, unable to run anymore to regret it when your child did not try your best

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