Elephants are considered one of the smartest animals on the planet, they are always the "focal point" that attracts our attention. According to National Geographic, there are many surprising facts about this animal that you may not have known before.
There are only 3 species of elephants in the world today, including bush elephant, African jungle elephant and Asian elephant. They are found in Africa, India and Southwest Asia. In addition, all other elephants are extinct.
Elephants are the largest terrestrial animal in the world today. African males can be as high as 3m and weigh from 4,000 to 7,500 kg. Asian elephants are smaller in size, about 2.7m high and weigh from 3,000 to 6,000 kg.
Although it can weigh more than 180 kg, the elephant trunk is extremely flexible in all operations. They can both break branches and can collect even a grain of rice!
Because of their self-awareness like humans, apes and dolphins, elephants are among the few species that can identify themselves in the mirror.
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