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Horse care knowledge poster

Horses are born usually have 4 incisors (2 upper jaw, 2 lower jaw). If not, after 8 days they will grow. Eight weeks later, horses begin to grow molars and by about 8 months of age, they grow enough milk teeth. After that, the baby teeth gradually shed and by about 2.5 years old, they will have permanent front teeth. 5 years old, the horse will have enough permanent teeth.

Baby teeth are usually pale in color, shorter than permanent teeth. In 6-year-old horses, their front teeth are often recessed like a small cup and they fill up over time.

By about 10 years old, the gums next to the molars will grow into a part called the Galvayne groove. This groove reaches half the length of the tooth when the horse reaches 15 years old. The male horse usually has 40 teeth, while the female horse has only 36 teeth.

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