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Since the day my dad got his wings I have never been the same face mask

European artists began to describe angels with wings in the 4th century AD. And in the 12-13 century, angelic images were popularized.

There is a legend that Saint Francis of Assisi was once visited by an angel. This angel has fiery wings and between the wings appears the image of a person crucified. Or Saint Teresa of Avila was met with the angel Seraphim.

In August 1914, during World War I when the British and French troops retreated before the Germans, wounded soldiers said they saw the angels fighting with them. The French soldiers thought that it was the archangel Michael. But the British soldier believed it to be St. George. (Some people believe that angels Michael and St. George are considered the same). However, the common point was that they all saw a tall, tall blonde man wearing golden armor with a calm face.

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