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[AUTHENTIC] Cat that is what I do I read book poster

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That’s right. The expression Cat that is what I do I read book poster​ “to look like the cat that ate the canary” says all of that.When using this expression, don’t forget the guilt part. Let’s say you have a friend who studied really hard on a test and then scored really well. She feels proud of her accomplishment. Her smiling face shows it. But you would not say to her, “Well, don’t you look like the cat who ate the canary. Congratulations!”The expression does not work that way.However, if she did not study but still passed because she cheated and still looks proud about it … then the expression will work quite well.Now, we use this expression in other situations. Maybe we know something that no one else does and it shows on our face. We have a secret. We may look like the cat that swallowed the canary.

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