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[AUTHENTIC] Lip and Weed I roll blunts bigger than your dick shirt

BUY IT HERE: Lip and Weed I roll blunts bigger than your dick shirt

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Any cigar or cigarillo will do, Lip and Weed I roll blunts bigger than your dick shirt but we recommend one that isn’t completely dried out, as it’ll break easier and be harder to roll. These days you can usually find blunt wraps at any corner store, which are like one giant rolling paper made out of tobacco Blunts are bigger than your average joint so you’ll need more weed. Typically, 1-2 grams should be enough for one blunt, but if you are using a big cigar, you may need more. Consider how many people will be in your smoking circle.Break down your cannabis into shake using a grinder or your hands. Using a grinder will help maintain an even burn, while using your hands is the more traditional method and is often preferred to help the blunt burn a little slower.

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