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Avatar the last airbender hawaiian shirt

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The content of the film version still revolves around the story of four peoples representing the four elements that make up the earth: Water, Fire, Earth and Air. The Last Airbender begins with a story telling about world history. Since time immemorial, the four nations lived in peace and were maintained by Avatar - a Heavenly King capable of controlling all four elements of power. But one day, the disappearance of Avatar led to a fierce battle lasting a century. The Fire Nation is the strongest nation and they have engulfed the world in the smoke of death. The other peoples, the Water Tribe, the Earth Kingdom, and the Land of Ammunition, are subject to oppression and collapse to the power and conspiracy to dominate the global Fire Nation.

One day by chance when he was practicing his skills, Katara - a young waterbender of the Water Tribe and his brother Sokka discovered that Aang boy was deep in the ice. Aang's appearance has changed everything, the boy is not only a final airbender but also the King of Heaven - the only character capable of overcoming the power of the Fire Nation and also the person. was chosen to bring peace to the earth. But Aang was only 12 years old and he had yet to receive all the lessons and power from above. With the help of the brothers Sokka and Katara, Aang began the journey to rebalancing the world before it was too late.

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