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Have a crappie day hawaiian shirt

They feed mainly on sunrise and sunset, in dim light, when they move to the open shore and towards the shore. Crappies are drawn to lights at night, where they eat small fish that are attracted to the light. For this reason, they are a very popular fish to catch at night under lights. Crappies provide food primarily for small fish and smaller fish, including those of the same predator, such as walleye, muskellunge, and pike. They also feed on crustaceans and insects.
Life cycle and reproduction
To lay eggs, guppies cause the bed in the water to run dry in the spring when the water temperature reaches mid to over 60 (Fahrenheit). In warmer waters, crappies can be 3 to 5 inches long in the first year, reaching 7 to 8 inches by the end of the second year. Crappies mature in two to three years.

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