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Dragon be strong when you are weak be brave when you scared poster

The Chinese continue to imbue the image of the dragon with their imagination and make this mascot more powerful, more wonderful and more benevolent.
"They are as wild as the animals on the Earth, as intelligent as humans and as sacred as the gods," added Gao.
In Chinese folklore, the dragon is like a fearless warrior and can see the future, upright and sometimes on the side of the people, the dragon also symbolizes fertility, beauty, age longevity and hope of everyone ".
Perhaps Western visitors visiting China consider the dragon a symbol of the power of Chinese emperors. In feudal society, emperors considered themselves "real dragons and heavenly beings", and everything they used from bed to robe was affixed with the word "dragon".
Dragon figures are also widely used in the decoration of royal palace furniture. The color of the dragon, yellow, is only for the head of the country. Since the Song Dynasty, only emperors could be used, Gao said. This means that ordinary people will be prohibited from using things related to this mascot, even drawing them.

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