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Time spent with baking is never wasted poster

The process of baking and cooking itself is the spiritual therapy of the maker. The pleasant aroma in the process of creating the cakes is an extremely relaxing and pleasant aroma. Science proves that when you come in contact with the delicious taste every day, you will feel happy, excited, highly able to work and bring more efficiency.
In addition, focusing on baking will give your mind no space to think about sad things in the past or worry about future problems. By enjoying the scent of the cake and the ingredients you will feel more comfortable and refreshing. The tiredness, the stress, the stress will disappear.
Baking is also art, an activity that helps us to express our creativity. Chef D'Alesso reported that most of her students started to like to create their own dishes with ingredients of their own choosing after receiving the knowledge and basic skills. about cooking.
According to the food jar Ellen Kanner, "Think about your favorite flavors, try them in different dishes, which will save you time and not the stress of having to cook. Standard has just turned cooking into a relaxing and fun filled experience. Then you realize that you've just invented some new recipes that are both delicious and delicious to your taste. ”
Psychologically, this is the feeling of joy when we reap valuable results, which is a necessary experience to help us build and strengthen positive awareness about ourselves.

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