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But also need to recognize fairly that man is also the cause of the destruction of the blue planet most brutally due to the conscious or unconscious. The destruction of forests, wildlife habitats, green lungs of mankind also takes place with an equally dizzying rhythm. So far, humans have destroyed 95% of primitive Asia to get timber for arable land and are advancing to destroy the Amazon forests in South America, forests in Africa ... while Amazon forests produce 1/3 of the oxygen For the whole world, the speed of forest destruction is still fierce. According to WWF in 1997, people burned 2 million hectares of Amazon forests, 17 thousand hectares of Colombian forests, 2.4 thousand hectares of Kenia forests, 2 million hectares of Indonesian forests, 0.5 million hectares of forests in Australia ...
To have a forest system and the amount of oxygen needed for life in the atmosphere today, nature takes billions of years of movement, but to destroy humans only takes a few years. Therefore, the question that arises now is: Should man dare to sacrifice his selfish and self-right and the right to save the green of the earth for our future offspring? continue to be better and better on the planet forever green?
To answer that question, it is necessary to have a green revolution, to socialize the entire population to participate in afforestation on the basis of promoting national cultural traditions, reducing the greenhouse effect in Vietnam and in the world.

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